Monday, March 26, 2007

Folk Music Day

We are blessed today with beautiful weather that is continuing through tomorrow. I was in town running errands today so did my walking that way instead of out here in the beautiful countryside. I purposly park my car far from doors now and don't drive from one end of the mall's parking lot to the other to visit other stores. I walk.

I have a friend coming to stay for three days next week. She reacts to paint fumes and her husband is going to paint so she's coming out for an annual visit to the country. Her husband paints something at least once a year. If he doesn't, we pretend he did.

I'm not finished with spring music. I know it's been beautiful weather and all but we will still have some cold weather and maybe even some snow. It is still March after all. Spring Is Just Around the Corner is a great number from Sasha Dobson's album Modern Romance. You know how much I like Greg Brown. He does a great song called Spring And All that is pretty cool. I love his simple songs and original phrases. In this one I like the "two bourbon twilight, fall from God's cigar." It's a folk music day.

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