Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Great New Year

Rural Prince Edward Island has looked like this for a week or so but is to change overnight. We're going to usher in the New Year with a big blizzard. We had a storm last year too but it started early in the day on NYE and a lot of snow fell. I was upset with my son last year for driving into town in the midst of the storm. This year it is 7:30 and hasn't even started to snow yet. People will be able to get to their parties and find themselves storm-stayed there, at a New Years Eve party. Nothing wrong with that!

I'm happy to be heading to a new year. That is the time I always get the clean slate feeling. Some people get it in September when school begins but I feel it more in January. I don't make resolutions but pray a bit and think about what I hold hope for in the future for both the world and myself. I'm a Capricorn and my birthday is near so it's become a time of passage for me each year

Music to end a new year could be from a large varied pool of songs in my mind. I've chosen songs from a few categories. I want to say goodbye to 2008 in a formal way so Melody Gardot will help say it for me in Goodnite. I'd love to party, but at the same time, don't want to be out in a storm so have decided to stay home. I'll play this song instead and groove a little bit - World Party by The Waterboys. I can usher in a new year just fine when I think that maybe a good part of the world sees this time as a new beginning and will strive, just like me, for a Great New Year! All my hopes and prayers for a Great New Year is now on it's way to you.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Get Me Through December

I've not been posting very regularly since I've been home. Just like all of you, I've been busy. The holidays should all be over soon though and a steadier winter routine will set in.

In my last post, I told you that so many days in late December hold powerful events and memories in my life. So far, December 29th had not had any big events attached to it's date. I was glad about that. Then yesterday happened.

A man in a pick-up with a big steel bumper backed into my car in a parking lot. It was his fault and I doubt I'll have trouble with the insurance but the car is a mess. It can be fixed but I had planned to have some mechanical work done this week in preparation for a little winter trip to see my father. My brother says I should have that done following the body repair and an alignment after that.

A car is only a car and it's mishap was not the big event in my life. No, my dear Nanie passed away last night. Twenty-five years and a day after her grandson, my brother. She had been in an almost vegetative state for a long time and in just a couple of days weakened and passed away without pain or suffering. She was soon to be ninety-one. My mother was her only child and I was her first grandchild of five. Only four survive her. She also has nine great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren. She has in the last few years lost most of her brothers and sisters but has two remaining sisters, both of who were with her when she died. She was the second oldest (oldest girl) of ten.

I told my son today that I plan to hibernate from mid December to January third every year. You think posts have been scarce lately......

Ralph, now you know why Get Me Through December is "my song". For my grandmother, I would choose a Van Morrison song but have been asked not to play them. My Nanie was a very deeply religious woman and many of Van's spiritual songs would fit with this post. They would comfort me and help send her on her way. My brother who died twenty five years ago was famous for his singing of Amazing Grace. Since I don't have a recording of him doing it, the Blind Boys of Alabama have replaced him at my request. I also have an old hymn that she would approve of, Johnny Cash with In the Sweet By and By.

This twenty-five year old photo shows my Nanie (in the red skirt) when she was around sixty-six. Also her mom, my mom, my sister and niece. I took the photo and was pregnant with my second child. We were a five generation family for quite a few years back then. God Bless My Nanie!

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Most of the events of great importance in my life have happened in late December. I mean major, major events. I won't go into any right now except for two of them, ok three of them.

It is one year ago today that I dislocated my shoulder. That led to two surprise surgeries in the following months, one to put a pin in my upper arm and one to remove a kidney. I'd never had surgery before. To say that the events of that morning a year ago have had lasting effects would be an understatement. I feared in the worst way that I had kidney cancer from my years of smoking. It is not a cancer with very positive outcomes so to have be spared this diagnosis has been a wonderful gift for which I give thanks each day.

Five years ago yesterday I became a grandmother for the first time. I did say major events didn't I? Last night I was talking to my grandson about the events of his big day. We talked about being at his other grandma's, playing with his cousins, Santa coming into his room on Christmas Eve, his gifts, and lots of other things when suddenly he said, "Aren't you going to sing Happy Birthday to me, Grandma?" Now someone who would actually ask me to sing has to be a great addition to your life.

It is twenty-five years ago tomorrow that my brother died of Graft Versus Host Disease following a bone marrow transplant. He died at 27 so would be 52 now. His wife passed away very suddenly just over a year ago. Last week I sent his kids a great photo of their parents when they were dating and so happy in love. His kids were one and three years old at the time and my daughter was three weeks. That all this time has passed and those children are all grown up brings the most profound lessons of all. I ponder all of these events and all the others of late December and early January and give them the respect that they deserve.

A fitting song for today might be How Will You Meet Your End by AA Bondy. It dares ask that question we all wonder about and will all realize at some time.

The rest of the songs today are for my brother. They're from our childhood. We made up a game when we were kids and this song (by the Patsy Cline version) was a part of the game. A newer version that I think my brother would like is I Fall To Pieces with Aaron Neville and Trisha Yearwood. Another old one is The Battle of New Orleans with Johnny Horton. With that song, I'll stick to the version 1959 we knew best.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

And there are lots of excited kids in my family. I talked to my grandchildren yesterday and they were so sweet and at three and five years old, very filled with joy and anticipation. I had my son e-mail photos right after talking to them and got a bonus of my grandson's fifth birthday and his kindergarten's Christmas Concert. That's the best part of my Christmas so far. I went out with my sister-in-law this morning dropping off gifts to her family. I introduced myself as Joy and her as Cheer. We had lots of fun. I'm in a great mood this Christmas which is unusual so I can be Joy with no problems at all.

We've had light snow all day, about 5 cm. We are to get rain and possibly freezing rain tonight. The temperature is going to be 9 tomorrow so I would say we're seeing the end of our white Christmas. A plus is that the roads will be good for travelers tomorrow. I canceled a drive in to friends who are having a party tonight.

I just remembered to take the turkey out to thaw. It's not too late, I hope. It's a small one as there are only three of for dinner. I am missing my daughter terribly. She is usually Joy and I am usually Comfort. Sis-in-law is always Cheer.

I am making my annual Christmas Eve CD. It's a long tradition. It is always a sample of songs that say something of what is going on in the world or my life and a few Christmas songs. I can play any one of them and remember the year. Some people do this at New Years but I've always done it for Christmas Eve. A couple of songs on it this year are Silent Night by Johnny Cash and Winter by Ethan Lipton.

Have a wonderful, Christmas Eve, family and friends and as always, I wish for peace.

Monday, December 22, 2008

December Storm Day

We are in the midst of a serious storm - snow and high winds, in other words a blizzard. We were expecting it so everything on the Island is pretty well shut down and lots of people have stayed home and indoors. It's a great day for wrapping gifts, baking and cleaning. I cleaned and organized a few things. The power was out for a few hours but not long enough that I had to light the wood stove. My son made it to work and planned on picking up any employees who couldn't make it in. If he fails to make it home tonight he has a place to stay in walking distance from his work.

My daughter is spending her first Christmas away from her family this year. I gave ornaments to my kids each year so that when they had their first Christmas away they would still have something from home. I sent her all her beautiful angels to decorate her first tree. Her "inlaws" have arrived to spend Christmas with her and her boyfriend, their son. I miss her and can hardly imagine her loveliness and liveliness to not be amongst us this year.

For her today is Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas by Victoria Williams and some blues cause she likes the blues. Here's I Want My Baby For Christmas by Jimmy Liggins and His Drops of Joy.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Is Coming

What a busy day I've had! My ears are ready to fall off. If I'd not gone for an afternoon walk you could have said I've been on the phone all day. I got out for the walk because we are expecting a storm overnight and tomorrow. I had lots of chores to do but could push them to the storm day and take the walk in the bright winter sunshine so that's what I did.

I walked and visited a friend for and hour, walked home and got on the phone again. It was easy to do lunch and supper prep while I was on the phone so had a marathon of conversations. I had my family's Christmas gifts in the mail before 25 November but that was a little early for Christmas cards so I'm phoning. They are phoning me too so there's a game of telephone tag as well.

I always play this song at this time of absolutely beautiful song. I have other related songs.....songs for the season: Morningtown Ride to Christmas by The Seekers and I Saw Three Ships by Sting. I like throwing a surprise in every once in a while.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Back to the Ice and Snow

I make friends wherever I go and this trip was no exception. Georgia, or Miss Peachy Pooch as I called her, was my charge for three and a half weeks. I walked her around a one and a half mile diameter lake twice a day and we got along famously. I walked the distance twenty minutes faster than her master did so got her good and tired which kept her out of mischief, a necessity with this pooch. Her lovely friend Boots, sitting behind her in this photo, took the brunt of her mischievousness. They wrestled by the hour but Boots has been declawed so she's at a bit of a disadvantage. The cat is biting back though and 'starts it' most times so you have to let it go on.

I had a wonderful time with my relative. She is a double amputee and I was very impressed with her abilities at maneuvering a series of wheelchairs and some aiding tools to do basically everything for herself. She just could not manage to walk the dog three miles a day and I was gladly able. We got a lot of shopping done, something her husband dislikes. I normally don't like it myself but there were some good bargains to be had due to the US economy. I got some terrific deals.

Though it was nice to come home, it was a bad experience coming home to the airport last night. It was really cold and there had been a recent snowfall which left my car windows covered with snow and ice. I had a skirt and tights on, a light sweater, a light winter jacket and no hat or gloves. I had to clean the car off and defrost the windows before I could drive. When I went back into the terminal to get my luggage I asked the security guard if the return flight had left yet. We had a laugh. It was 1 am and the flights had ended for the day but he understood. Ah, the Canadian winter! My sister in law said that there has been wonderful weather here and that winter came by just to welcome me home.

I read a lot while I was away and read Howard Soune's biography of Bob Dylan, Down the Highway. Maybe Bob can make winter better with Winterlude and this version of In the Bleak Midwinter by the Crash Test Dummies would make anyone feel better about it. Another Canadian does the same with Song for a Winter's Night by Gordon Lightfoot.

Monday, November 24, 2008

A Needed Break

I'd love to show how excited I am to be getting off the Island and somewhere new with a photo of a big smile on my face but a shadow of jumping for joy will have to do. Yee Haw! I so love to travel but don't have the means for a lot of it so love it when I get a chance. My job isn't very hard. I'm responsible for driving and walking the dog and said I will do the cooking. The dog and cooking I will enjoy but will grin and bear the driving.

While I am gone, you can fight amongst yourselves. LOL There are lots of songs to listen to on the music pages and you can go back in the archives to peruse photos from other times "in the tiny life on PEI". There is so much to look at on the internet. It's a marvel! I'm amazed, really, that people actually stop by here. I'd like to revamp and do a few things here when I get back but I do have a glass commission to take care of first.

I think I need to leave some extra songs. Some of you will not go back into the archives or onto the music pages so for fast clickers here's a few:

I'll still be reading blogs and on line but until I'm back I won't be posting. See you before Christmas!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Trails

Two more sleeps and I'll be in the air. Everything but my toothbrush and medication is packed and I'm raring to go. The cats know I'm leaving. They always do. I find one of them in my bag every time I go upstairs. The bag in a guest room, on a bed with things all around it and both cats have taken to sleeping in there in the daytime. We will miss each other, my kitties and I, but they will gets of love from my son who will be home soon.

I will miss music too. I play music all the time but most people don't. I questioned my aunt about it over the year and found out they rarely play music. If they do, it's country. I may bring a cd or two along with the cd of photos I made for her. I have to design a window I have a commission for and music is necessary for me when any cre8ive tasks are at hand.

I grew up with country music. It has always been my parents choice and I love a lot of it too. I'm not very familiar with modern country but the old country of Patsy Cline, Jim Reeves, Johnny Cash and all those, I am very familiar with. I Fall To Pieces by Patsy Cline was a favorite of my mothers. We'd all be singing that at the top of our lungs, accompanying the 33 1/2 record. My brother and I made up a game called I Fall To Pieces and we'd sing it while we played. I've got a great version of the song by Aaron Neville and Trisha Yearwood. My mom would have loved it. I actually may have played it to her years ago as I had the cassette it is from, Country-Soul. Song number two is Border Line from the lovely David Francey who I've seen in concert quite a few times.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Winter's Entrance

What a day! It was a snowy landscape this morning but I thought the day would be a nice one with a bit of shoveling in the sun and go on as usual. Then the power went out - twice. I have not had a shower. This is a very rare occasion and I'm not exactly happy about it. The wind came up about 9:30 and from then on it was a very windy day that definitely was not conducive to going out. A nasty day! I shoveled the deck mid-afternoon but had to warp the door to get it open this morning. Nasty! Winter has arrived. I'm going to ignore it all I can and try not to complain about it here.

The birds and cats are marvels. We, all three, were out on the deck together and it was wonderful. All living as we should. We all talked (chirped, meowed, maybe) and got along as pleasantly as could be with snow all around us. I provided seeds. The cats stayed out longer than I did and have been napping since. I love how it all works out.

One of my favorite songwriters of the past few years has been Brandi Carlile. I've been singing her praises since here. Her song The Story is still one of my all-time favorite songs. She is a wonder! Today I have her song, Hiding My Heart. I so love this woman's music and hope you do to. Brooke Miller is a girl I've known since she was young. Her mom is a friend of mine. She's married, a step-mother and living off-island now but I love her albums. Here is World On a Whim for today and Country From the Domecar as a bonus. A simple Google search brings all this.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Talking It Away

We missed PEI's first taste of winter two nights ago, but tonight - the snow is coming. I wanted it to hold off until the airplane I boarded was heading south; four more sleeps! My daughter, a snow lover, was very excited last week when she was getting her first taste. I told her that I find it hard to believe that she came forth from my loins. Did none of me rub off on her?

I just want to escape it. Every year, the same thing. I complain about it and complain about it . "If only I didn't have to drive", I say over and over. All the while that I'm complaining, I do what I have to to live safely in winter's culture. Today I got my snow tires on. I have my kit in the trunk for emergencies. The shovel is on the deck. I haven't resorted to socks yet. That is the last gong for me. The three week escape I'm heading for will be precious to me in the respect that I will miss three weeks of driving in snow. Ha! What am I thinking? I trade it for three weeks of driving in a couple hundreds percent increased traffic on roads I'm completely unfamiliar with!

White Snow by Ben Weaver is perfect for today. Might as well keep it real. I hate winter but accept that I live in it's throes. I don't think it's forecast to be this extreme but Snowed In by Joel Plaskett will add to the Maritime tradition that if you talk enough about it - blow lots of hot air - a storm won't come. We'll see if it works.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I'm late today but for the best of reasons - I got a phone call from one of my oldest and dearest friends that I'd been waiting for for a couple of months. She had moved far, far away in August and I'd been waiting for a call announcing that all was well. I've received that call now and feel a lot more relaxed. It was like one of my kids was missing. Just this week I had been complaining to a friend that my friend hadn't called yet and it was the first time we had been out of touch since '72. That's a long time.

Western PEI was completely shut down today because of 20 cm. of snow overnight. Some homes are still without power. Hundreds of cars were stranded overnight on the Cobequid Pass, a highway in Nova Scotia that should never have been built, but that's beside the point. Here in the eastern end of the island, we got no snow at all. Lucky buggers weren't we?

My list of things to attend to before traveling is getting shorter. The list of instructions to my son is getting longer. Makes sense to me.

Today I have some easy, pleasy, lovely songs for listening to with both your ears and heart. Yes, your ears and your heart are needed for these songs. The ears will love the intro. It's Johnette Napolitano with When I'm Gone. You'll then move seamlessly to Peter Case's song, Ain't Gonna Worry No More. I give my daughter weekly talks about worrying and this says it better than I can. The two songs sound great together.

The internet or my connection to it is very slow tonight. Actually, it seems there may be a Google problem. Can't add a photo at the moment. Will try again in a bit.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Free To Be

I don't have to cook dinner tonight and for that I'm thankful. A night off stove duty is just what the doctor ordered. I feel like I have no responsibilities today, no chores that have to be done NOW or any important matter to attend to. It almost feels like the first day that I've been completely free to do what I wanted or felt like at the moment. Kat talks about retirement sometimes and I feel like she enjoys these type of days quite often. Someday....

I painted off and on for a couple of hours but today was dark and raining and it was a bit difficult. I paint only in natural light and when it's really dark and overcast it's too much of an eyestrain. Using the vacuum cleaner doesn't require such extreme visual concentration so I did a bit of that too. Dancing and Oprah were on my list of doing what I wanted, as well as some packing and organization. I made a trip out to the post office and boy the weather has changed; I had to wear a jacket. It has cooled considerably and has rained lightly most of the day.

Today I have a song for the dark and dreary of rain and one for the sunshine dancing brings me. Eleni Mandell has this lovely number, It's Raining and for the dance, It Don't Mean a Thing by Club Des Belugas is fabulous. I love this band. Their song, Skip to the Bip, was one of the songs danced to on So You Think You Can Dance Canada a couple of weeks ago.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November Nonsense

I got a letter from Google and have asked them to send me in plain English what they are asking me to do. It is so full of legalese that I don't know what it is saying. They took a specific post away for copyright infringement. Since they took it away, I can't view it so don't know what specifically on it was unsatisfactory. I've replied as such to them but they haven't replied back to me.

I'm having my sister in law for dinner tonight. My son is away so I'm back to eating fish instead of meat. Her husband doesn't like the smell of fish cooking at their house (the same as his nephew, my son) so we get together for fish meals when one of them is away. I've cooked homemade baked beans - just took them out of the oven - and home made fish cakes made from salt cod. It's a tradition Maritime meal. Chow Chow, a type of pickle, is served with them and we have that and lots of other homemade pickles to choose from. Yum!

I'm packing up this piece of stained glass to take to my aunt. I had made it twenty years ago for my grandmother. It was returned to me when she was taken to a nursing home. My aunt and grandmother were very close so I'm passing it on. A lot of people I know are traveling at the moment. I have two different friends going to Vancouver on Thursday, most likely on the same plane. They don't know each other.

Rosie Thomas and Rosemary Clooney are bringing the music today. I'll let you guess which one is which. Here's Much Farther to Go and Any Place I Hang My Hat is Home. I am still experiencing difficulties from Putfile and am using the alternate method. I'm no longer going to mention this. Whatever host brings you the song, is ok with me. Putfile dosn't allow uploads and the alternate does so some people are happier.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Letters From the Past

I'm having a very nice day today. I had a To Do list but didn't follow it. Instead I did what I wanted at each given moment. I got lots done, just not what I had planned. There's always tomorrow, eh?

I wrote my grandson a letter. He didn't know what a letter was so I told him I'd send him one. Can you imagine? Any of us over fifty certainly knows what letter writing is about because letters were vital parts of communication in our past. Emails have taken over but they're quite different. I have saved years of correspondence and went through it all one weekend probably 10 years ago when a friend wanted to explore some old books I had. While he was rummaging through the books I was holding and remembering all those letters. I moved to Toronto from Massachusetts at one point and have awesome letters from friends, and groups of friends; sometimes big sheets of paper laid out during parties that were later mailed to me. It's possible my grandson will never get another friendly letter, only business letters. Amazing to comprehend sometimes.

Today's music is for Tom Waits fans. Here's Christmas Card From a Hooker in Minneapolis and Telephone Call From Istanbul. I was tempted to play some dance songs but these songs go better with letter writing. I had my dance early today - before I even got dressed and dance music has been in my head all day.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

In Waves

I had an unexpected visitor this afternoon so am a bit late with posting. I was quite happy to welcome a visitor. I'd been cleaning most of the day and it was nice to have the break. We visited for a while, then played a game of scrabble. She brought me two boxes of ibuprofen that she bought at a drugstore in the US for 88 cents a box. It was an error at the drugstore so she bought 6 boxes. I plan on stocking up on some items if I can get some good deals when I'm in the US but will probably spend most of my money at the Body and Bath Store.

My son is probably just leaving this beach bar in Mexico right now, on his way to get something to eat before tonight's partying begins. Oh, to be in my twenties again (with what I know now). I remember them well but can't live at that pace at all anymore. I partied in this Mexican town when I was in my twenties too. I didn't need sleep then. My upcoming vacation will be much different and I'm ok with that.

I figured out a way to keep Windows Media Player on the task bar which also kept the last played playlist without saving. Only trouble is that when I came in now to do this, it is nowhere in sight. I went through the steps I went to to get this and the command is checked but it is not here on my desktop. I should stop publicly complaining about this but it's the first time I've had to reformat a computer. It's all a bit difficult to me. Ask me if I do windows......and I have another interpretation.

Today's music is what impressed me today while playing some of the cd's I've made. First, City of Night by Pink Martini. I really like this band.

Just had a phone call that made me lose my train of thought about the music. Am I talking about an age-related thing again? Song....something quick... I remember. One of the cd's I played today was called Citified and it had New York by Luke Doucet.

My son is "hoping to make it to New York" as the lyrics say. He has his ticket so as long as he leaves Mexico on time he'll spend four nights there. He will be doing different things than I do. I talked to a friend today who also just returned from a trip to New York with her husband and she didn't do the things that I'd do either.

My vacation can't come fast enough. I'm starting to get itchy feet.

Friday, November 14, 2008

November Flocking

I've been watching the usual November flocks of blackbirds. They're gathering in preparation for flying south. It occurred to me today that that is exactly what is going on around this house. My son is going to Mexico and I'm flying to Florida. We're just like those gathering birds, clearing up loose ends, and making plans, in our own separate ways. I'm leaving after he returns so there is some continuity in the house, but we've both been very busy beavers, getting things organized for our journeys. I've been filling and have finally mailed Christmas boxes. My computer break has gone far in getting this done in a faster manner.

I have the latest version of Windows Media Player and am having a heck of a time finding my way around. I had kept the old version 9 forever but it can't be downloaded on XP anymore. It's a sad day. My son thinks I should be accepting these upgrades when they come out but I tend to hang onto the familiar. I didn't upgrade to Firefox 3 either, until now.

We have two songs today by woman singer-songwriters who are very similar in that they beautifully paint a picture with their words. These songs are lovely vocal stories. First Azure Ray with November; this is a duo not a single woman and Kim Richey, with Mexico. Both are worth a listen.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Balance - what we all want to achieve in running our lives. I think spending less time on the computer may be helping me successfully reach this end. Especially this laptop computer of my son's. We're not working well together. Putfile is somehow involved too as it works one minute, not the next. It seems such a hassle to come on line, I think I may stay off till mine is back from the shop. Missing the music, as usual and I miss sending it out there - to you.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Checking In

They say these things come in three. Lets hope not! My repairman just left with broken dishwasher parts - the same repairman who was here last week to repair my furnace. My computer is in the shop for the second time, this time to probably be reformatted, and I take my car into the shop on Thursday for a problem it is having but is as yet undetermined. I need a bigger bank account.

My son loaned this laptop to a colleague for the week so I've not been online since my last post here. I miss my online friends. I looked at a few blogs this morning but don't have my bookmarks to point me to the ones I usually visit. I went to only ones I link to. I hope I pick up my computer and that all will be back to normal soon.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Sunshine and Shadows

I've spent the last couple of hours in the woods with my friend Kayla. She's pictured above, greeting some of her neighbours. She is surrounded by pasture and has a great relationship with it's habitant cattle. The border collie in her makes her feel protective of us all so she's lovely to take into the woods. She goes exploring by going an average of forty feet off-path, into the woods and underbrush, and back out onto the path, no matter how far we travel. A call of her name brings her right back to the road. Our way was very steep and in a few places it was quite rugged. We also explored some woods that I wasn't familiar with. It was a dead end of a kilometer long road.

We've had spectacular temperatures. I hiked in jeans and tank top today with my sweater tied around me. It's a bonus for November, quite Indian Summer-like. It is supposed to rain for a couple of days now so I'll be back to dancing again. Here's a couple of songs I'll be dancing to: Whenever I Say Your Name by Mary J Blige and featuring Sting and to slow down, Hold On by Los Lobos. Try it, you might like it. It's best to do it alone and don't dance like you would in public. I do a combination of dancing movements and dancing- aerobic movements. No, you wouldn't do this on a dance floor. CD's are eighty minutes and that's a lot of exercise. It's a sweaty, fun, pleasurable workout that uses up some of that energy (food or nervous).

My computer may be going back to the shop. It's not working at all well so I think it may be necessary. Also, Putfile seems to not be working again so , the alternate method is again in effect.
It's taking me forever to get anywhere it seems, so I hope I can get that music up. If not today, asap. Some very weird things are happening so I am not going to go any further. Pages that say they are Google or Wikipedia are taking me to other places - places to shop and look at celebrities. Sorry folks.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I've earned a rest so am going for an early post today . I've been working like a fiend and have most of my outside chores finished. Enough for today anyway. I can finish up tomorrow. I need a bit of help with some heavy lifting too. It's lovely outside at fifteen degrees but the sun didn't come out as forecast. Maybe tomorrow.

The birds finally showed up at the feeders so I had some retraining to do with the cats. They've been conditioned not to bother birds but required a bit of a refresher. I think they'll be fine. I hope so anyway because they're outside together now.

My daughter's best friend is coming for supper tonight. She was almost part of the family at one time and has had many a meal here but not for a while. My daughter has always been surrounded by an entourage and with her gone, I've been missing having the young people around.

I recently discovered Denison Witmer and his new album entitled COVERS. Is There a Ghost, a Band of Horses' cover, reminds me of the ghost of all the young people's voices that once filled this house. It's amazing all the changes and stages a household goes through. This simple quiet version of I Can't Make You Love Me is nice too.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Back to Bug You

I'm back, my friends. I got the call after six that my computer was fixed. It is fixed but different. My whole Webshots desktop that I've had for thirteen or fourteen years is gone. It was mostly photos of Mexico. I loved it. Photos collected over a long period of time. Last time this happened my StumbleUpon disappeared. I'm not skilled enough to deal with computer problems so must accept these losses, I guess. I have other changes too that I'll have to figure out along the way.

I can add a photo today. I had a couple hundred on the camera to load into the files. I had a ton from autumn walks; lots of coloured leaf shots. The leaves are mostly gone now but I'm happy I took my camera on some awesome walks in the last couple of weeks. The leaf season was over quickly as it was so windy. My new earbuds have really helped walking in the wind. I'm listening to music rather than the sounds of nature on some walks but at the same time don't get earaches from the wind. Fair trade.

I've missed my computer for music in more ways than I mentioned yesterday. My son's spare laptop didn't have a nice screen with correct colours and vision or very good speakers. I didn't comment on any photo blogs as the photos looked unhealthy and unrecognizable. Music to me must first sound good so I chose not to play much of the music on music blogs because of the poor speakers. I listened to lots on my stereo but certainly missed music online.

Since I Laid My Burden Down by Mississippi John Hurt is here today to say something about how I've been feeling since the end of work. In one word - Great! It seems Putfile may be down at the moment. It was ok this morning. I'll use the alternate method. Another song from old blues songs file that would fit today is Walkin' Blues by Muddy Waters.

The next two days are supposed to be sunny and warm. I have a ton of yard work to do and these are the two days I'm planning to get it all finished. Depending on how it's going depends on when I'll be here next. If I'm persuaded to go walking rather than gardening.......

Monday, November 03, 2008

Computer Update

Here's an update on the computer woes. My computer is still a patient. Though this virus problem doesn't apply she is still under warranty and I took her to her place of purchase out of habit. Staff problems and general apathy in regard to that staff doing their job have become apparent. They informed me on Thursday that they'd had no internet for a certain amount of days but that they 'might see about it today'. I'm not sure what they need the internet for in repairing my computer in the first place.

I am missing my online life but am finding more time in my real life. I have completely cleaned and reorganized my two room (not adjoining) studio space and am painting again. I am ready to switch to glass at a moment's notice. I am planning to sketch some windows while I am away and have retained the commission this winter that I had to drop last winter because of injury etc. A busy beaver as usual. I'm not sure if I've said here that I'm going to Florida in a few weeks for three weeks. I'm busy with some organization regarding that. I arrive home only a week befor Christmas and that's makes gift sending a bit difficult so am dealing with it now. An organizational nightmare for someone who wants to be in the country painting , not shopping ot arranging things to come together for Christmas, almost two months away.

It is still windy. It's been a very windy autumn. I think last year or the year before was windy like this. I am walking when I can but have generally been dancing for my fitness. I have fun with myself and am happy for all the cd's I've made.

My son has music on his laptop so perhaps I could give you one of his tunes. I'm sure I could find some Bob Dylan or something suitable. Darn! Sadly, this computer is dressed in Vista and the newest version of the music player so I would have to do too much fiddling to get everything to work....let alone remember my Putfile information. So, when I get the old girl back, I'll get back to music and photos.

I am certainly missing the selection of music I have on my computer. I have a million cd's but when I want to hear a certain song, it's not available. I am also missing my bookmarks a lot. Looking up specific weather tools like the currrent radar or something simple like that that I do regularly is now a multi-page adventure.

If I can figure out the way to get my many windows I need to stay visible, I'll add some music later.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Computer Woes

A short post today as I'm using my son's laptop for only a moment. My computer is in the hospital. She acquired an infection this morning. One of my regular stops when going through the blogroll is a site aggregator and it listed a site that immediately sent a virus when I entered it. The virus program announced it right away but it still infected everything. She's in hospital for at least a day as she's having some other minor surgery. Get well cards are unnecessary but a prayer or two to the computer gods would be appreciated. I can't afford a new one. My car started making a funny noise this morning and that is downright scary to the pocketbook.

Needless to say, I don't have a photo or music for you, but will be back with them when I can.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Love and Happiness

I'm enjoying a bit of a lazy day. I had no outside obligations so decided to extend that to home. I didn't walk, didn't dance, puttered at various small jobs but did nothing major. I must say I've enjoyed that. I've been online most of the day. I still will cook a delicious dinner for the boy and me though he probably won't be home till eight or nine. Good food is a must. I am having a pork, peppers and peanut sauce dish, black rice and salad.

The cd I'm making today is called Love and Happiness, something that's always good for a theme. The music is old soul music based but contains new music and covers of some of the old songs. If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keys is a perfect example of a new soul song. I would have loved it if it had been around in the 70's. Thinkin' Bout You, from Bettye LaVette's 2003 album A Woman Like Me, was on my music pages before and has disappeared and is one that should be returned. I love her style with this slow, sexy ballad. An example of a cover is Al Green's Love and Happiness by Marc Broussard. It has disappeared from the pages too, I just discovered, so you get three songs today.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Swirling and Sauteing

One aspect of the internet that I appreciate the most is the ability to instantaneously retrieve a recipe or learn how to do something. I have a large shelf of cookbooks but if I want to know how to prepare something or find a recipe, it's to the net I go, not the bookshelf.

Today it was cream of potato-leek soup that I was looking for. It's a soup I love but have never made. I bought the leeks the other day and now have everything prepared and ready to cook.
I'm sure it will be very good as it is very simple and basic soup. I made beef stew yesterday. It's the season we want these hearty but basic foods. I think our bodies are programmed to eat in season but with the availability of foods from around the world, we can eat everything and anything whenever we want. Even though my body is craving soups and stews it is also delighted with the pineapple I have in the fridge.

I made four cds today, actually two copies each of two new cds. One is called Citified and there is another dance cd which I called Swirling and Twirling. There is one more to do tomorrow. I take forever making them as I want the right songs to fall in the right sequence. With the dance cd's that is really important as I use them for aerobic dancing for an hour and twenty minutes and rthe pacing is important. Here are a couple of songs from Citified - I Own the City by Saint Bernadette and Passing Stranger by Scott Matthews.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

October Perfection

I wish I could tell you in words how much I enjoyed my day. I went hiking and did a lot of driving through the countryside. It was only a week or so ago that I was saying the leaves weren't yet at their peak of colour but I'd say the peak is happening now or it may have already passed. With all the wind we've had this autumn the leaves are blown off as soon as they are loose enough. There are more bare branches than is usual for this far into the display. The display is awesome, nonetheless and won't be here much longer. I'm going to enjoy the beauty as often as I can in the next week.

I did an hour hike but it took me an hour and a half because I was photographing as well. I got a good sweat on several times. I went to other sights too but no other long hikes. I think it is exactly what I'm going to do tomorrow as well. Soon it will be cold and dressing is more difficult as you have to dress for winter but get too hot. It's easier to control now.

I had a funny friend for dinner last night and it I have sore muscles it won't be from hiking. The laugh muscles are sore. A few people dropped in last evening. A good time was had by all.

Music for today is hiking music. I was humming either this song, Akua Tuta by Kashtin or I'm Saying Hello by Dan Hicks that I put up earlier in the week. Still Water by Daniel Lanois is perfect for the day. I hiked around two large ponds and there was lots of lovely water views. There are Putfile problems again so today I'm using the other site I sometimes use.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Work for Happiness

Yesterday's skies were lovely all day.... hence the photo.

Got a short walk in today and it was wonderful. Met up with another walker who has just moved to the neighbourhood. She is afraid of dogs too and lives between here and the beach. I gave her my number and said that I'm available most of the time at the drop of the hat. Yeah to the life of the unemployed.

I've been thinking a lot of a friend who passed away recently. He and his partner, both friends of mine, had four kids, all grown now. They stayed together for the kids and shouldn't have. They lived very unhappy lives together, became ill with different cancers and have both died in their early and mid fifties. It makes you see the mind-body connection first hand. Be happy. However it can come to you, find it. Whatever you may need to do to achieve it, just do it.

I've got a couple of short but great Ray Charles songs for today, I Want to Know and Don't You Know . Think of the mind body spirit connection and those titles. I know that I want to know what I don't know. It's constant work just to be - let alone being happy all the time but it's work I will do.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm Saying Hello

I love this time of year after the tourists leave and the countryside is quiet again. This day was so, so beautiful. I've been sitting outside and the only sounds I hear are male mallards chatting in the pond, the occasional mioux from Bella and otherwise there is silence. Occasionally a car goes by and not strings of them.

I've been busy. I was an official for Elections Canada yesterday during our Federal Election. I was given paperwork to complete if I had to arrest anyone. Wasn't that awesome power! I didn't have to arrest anyone but there were some incidents. It was a busy job and an almost fifteen hour day.

I now feel like I'm off work, finally. I had the Elections Canada work pending and training for the position so now my slate is clear for a couple of weeks and I can relax a bit. I will stay busy with walking or dancing, photography, annual fall chores, visiting, painting, having dinner parties and readying for the next great adventure. Florida is just over a month away. My hosts e-mailed today about menus, wondering about allergies, my likes and dislikes, etc. It's going to be great.

Ramble...ramble....ramble. Here's some music for the day. Gulf Coast Blues by Eric Von Schmidt will hit the spot as will I'm Saying Hello by Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks. This song has low volume on the mp3 but is a great song nonetheless. It comes from Last Train to Hicksville, the Dan Hicks album I first fell in love with. Do a little search upon the upper left for more Dan Hicks.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thankful for Turkey Dinner

The turkey is cooked and settling. There are some veggies in the oven and soon I'll put the stove top veggies on. I have to make gravy yet and slice the turkey. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving but we're having dinner today as a lot of folks do. Sunday is a better day for most families, I'd say.

I asked my son to invite back a friend who visited the other night. He'd brought a four or five week old kitten last time and I nearly kept him. The friend actually gave him to me and left him but I had him come back for it. Look how tiny he is and how cute. My son thinks I should take him as he will be relegated to the barn with their herd of barn cats. I don't need three cats when I'm about to go away for a trip. also the girls get their noses out of joint . I've hoisted two other cats with them in the past. Billy Bin Laden, the Holy Terror, was a disaster. Clarke worked out well. Who wouldn't love Clarke?! Even the cats loved him.

The veggies are on the stove and I have to run soon. That leaves music. I am sure I have a song called Thanks For the Giving but I can't find it. Here is Thanksgiving by the wonderful Loudon Wainwright III. More perfect though is Brett Dennen's Blessed. That's how I feel this year.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Indian Summer!

What a wonderful "Indian Summer" day it's been! I did a whole lot of gardening and outdoor chores. Friends dropped by unexpectedly and we had a grand time. We had refreshments on the deck as it was wonderfully warm and sunny. We took a drive to the beach and encountered two hang gliders playing in the breeze. They steered themselves up and down the coast. A couple in leathers, on one motorcycle, were there too. They had seen them as they were driving along and knew they were about to glide along the beach so took the first road that looked like it was going to the shore. Turned out my son was at the next beach up so was under them too.

I got two of the lilies planted finally but am waiting on one as it still has three buds that are going to bloom. I want to keep it on the porch to bring it in on heavy frost nights. I don't have enough knowledge about lilies to know if I am giving it the correct treatment.

If you like scat singing I have a link for you. I found this fabulous YouTube video of Sarah Vaughan and just love it. The control that woman had and the rich voice. I just love Sarah Vaughan. I haven't had any of her up in a while and I think she has some autumn songs....

I haven't featured any Madeleine Peyroux for a while. I heard she has a new album coming out. My aunt and uncle had taped an evening's concert of Madeleine and her band for me to see when I was visiting them in the spring. It was fabulous. She has a kind of peculiar phrasing but it's what sets her apart. Here's This Is Heaven To Me and I'll Look Around. She always has a great band which in itself is worth a listen.

The above paragraph is from a July '07 post and that has the perfect music for today's hang glider post. If the links above don't work go there through this link. Here are a couple more that have already been featured on the blog. Nothing new today. Comin' In on a Wing and a Prayer by Ry Cooder and Try Your Wings by Blossom Dearie. That will have to do tonight. I want to continue this wonderful day.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

In These Walls

I chose a random photo today. Closed my eyes, chose a file then chose a photo - eyes closed; A sunny beach at almost sunset time.

I experienced a strange dream sequence last night. I had two dreams in a row about people with strong political ties and ties to each other politically and personally. There were two entirely separate dreams where I was actively participating in both. The coincidence part is that while I was still in dream two, my son woke me to ask information about their colleague, a friend of both people I had been dreaming about. It wasn't anything political but important that my son get this information before he went to work. Too weird! I truly thought for a split second that this was a third dream with a very strong political message.

Last thing I'd ever discuss anywhere is politics and certainly not here. It's all about listening to music in my little spot on the web. I made a couple of cd's for my daughter today. She moved recently and wants house-warming presents that include music. I made some today and will make a couple more before I send off a package. I made cds with moving as the themes. One was moving house and one was moving body. As I said yesterday I need new dance playlists. Made one today for my girl's cd. It can be added to for the mp3 player. Here is one song from each: Emergency Exit from Beck and Cumbia Maya by Lila Downs. The second was once on the music pages under it's different name, Hanal Weech.

I must point out that I usually provide a link to a performer. First time is usually directly to their website. Second is usually the Wikipedia article and the third goes further down the Google search page. Beck's and Lila's today is to their myspace pages. I'm sure most of you are quite capable of searching on your own as well, any of the performers featured here.

I've time for some bonuses today, songs from the above mentioned cds that are already housed in these walls: C'mon a My House - Dan Hicks, Only Then Will Your House Be Blessed - Harry Manx and Eyes on the Prize - Mavis Staples.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

La Vie En Pomme

Today feels like my first day off. Monday was filled with cleaning and awaiting visitors. Tuesday was filled with cooking, then potlucking. (Is potlucking a verb?) Today the only thing I truly had to do was wash my hair. I've also cleaned and cooked but nothing or no one was making me do it. I have an apple crisp in the oven and some prep for supper done but could stop right now if I wanted to.

It feels glorious! I had planned to spend a good part of today outdoors but it was cold and windy and I decided to put if off another day. If it's nice tomorrow I will do some fall work on the gardens. I have planting to do and it's October already! We've had strong winds for close to a week now. Wind bothers me more than rain as I get earaches being in the wind, even when it's warm.

I have never seen my trees so full of apples. There are no worms in them at all this year. My guess is that the blossoms were too advanced when the insects, who make the apple wormy, finally emerged due to our cold wet spring. I don't really know why but love the results in any case. Anyone In PEI want some apples?

Music, music, music.......makes my world go round. I'm loving the little mp3 player I've been plugging into my ears after finally taking steps to change the earbuds after a year and a half. No, I never procrastinate. I did a bit of dancing today but not enough to break a sweat, which is needed to meet my daily fitness goal. I have to make specific playlists for that. Too many romantic, slow ballads are mixed in on the playlist I have on the player now. I'll make a new one and include a few songs from this artist, Thalia. Moving to her will definitely work up a sweat. Here's Salsa Mujer Latina, with a merengue beat and something a bit slower, her version of La Vie En Rose.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Seaside Sitting

I am one stuffed woman. We had a potluck staff party this afternoon and let me tell you, the food was fantastic. I feel like I won't have to eat for a week. It's neat how it all works out at potlucks. No one discussed what they were bringing but everyone brought something different and all courses were covered. I brought appetizers. We had ribs, lasagna, a rice dish, cheesy scalloped potatoes, a taco salad and three desserts. We had drinks too so I feel like having a nap.

The party was held at a summer cottage but it was rainy and windy so not a day to walk outside on the beach. I ran down to the edge to snap a photo of the three colourful chairs facing the bay.
The temperature is supposed to improve by the end of the week with 20 predicted for Friday. I had to add a blanket to the bed last night.

Here is today's music. The title, This is the Life by Amy MacDonald is how I feel about having some down time that I sorely need and House by the Sea by Iron and Wine is for the beautiful cottage I visited today.

Monday, October 06, 2008


I am so upset. My friends from Australia and Summerside, PEI were here for a visit this afternoon and I didn't get a photo. Two of the women were taking photos and I was being photographed but forgot to pick up my own camera. I'm thinking of calling the house where they are having dinner and arranging to meet for a late night photo. I can easily drop in and make it happen. There were five of us women all chatting at once and time got away so quickly.

They had a tour of my studio which currently is set up for painting, and had a look at my glass portfolio. One of the women was new to me. She is from Colorado and met the other three here after their vacation in Provence. We had tea and a nice visit. I've been home, a working girl. The other four have been traveling the world.

I had my last shift at work yesterday and I'm a free woman for the time being. That's what I want to celebrate, with music. It can only be done with this song. Two more versions of Halleluja. Here is a 'Live at Glastonbury' song from Rufus and Martha Wainwright. I really mean I want a celebration so here's another version from Allison Crowe. You can Bloggersearch on the top left for other versions on the blog.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Bright Out of Dark

I had the best time yesterday. Besides company with friends and a great dinner, I got an awesome walk in the woods. The autumn colours are just beginning their display and it was a gorgeous crisp, sunny day. We came out of the woods at almost dark. While in the woods it actually did seem dark as the sun was pretty well cut out from the thick, high trees. We were in pretty deep woods. Awesome!!!!!

I got my granddaughter's birthday gift off today. Whew! It was to the wire as to arriving on time for her birthday but I had wanted to include other things. I'm going to price couriers for Christmas parcels as Canada Post's prices have become so outrageous.

One of the songs still needing to be replaced on the music pages is Johnny Cash's version of Long Black Veil. I've mentioned how I love that old song and he does a fine version of it. While I was in the Cash file I noticed he does a version of Sea of Heartbreak which was a popular song of the sixties. I don't remember who did it back then but we had the 45.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Autumn Chores

I'm a little early today but grabbing time when I can. I have an apple crisp in the oven and beets boiling on the stove. I'm making pickled beets this afternoon and preparing for a friend who is coming for dinner. Her husband is away again and when he is, we always have meals of fish or seafood together. Tonight I'm serving mussels and salmon - and apple crisp for dessert. Another friend called to ask me to dinner at his house but because of my plans we are rescheduling for tomorrow night. He is making roast beef. Yum!

I feel energized when I think of a bit of time off. I won't have a lot of off-time as I have some plans in the works, one being my three week trip to Florida. I am really looking forward to that. I'll happily trade early winter here for some Florida sun. I'm already looking at art projects and started some preparation today. I have been working on something for my grandkids too but have to get to a store tomorrow to pick up items to add some finishing touches. I worked on it today too.

If you've been reading here for a while you know my favorite music is the slow ballad in any language. First cd I put on this morning is one of slow Latin ballads but somehow this song, Se Me Van Los Pies by Susana Baca ended up on the disc instead of a on a dance cd. I had to stop what I was doing and dance for the five minutes it played. I felt like grabbing some drums too but resisted and just danced. I'd say that makes this song good for you. The cd ends with the following beauty that I thought was up already. It's Naila by Lila Downs and is so, so gorgeous!

Update: I was uploading the last song and the power went out. Luckily the apple crisp was able to finish cooking with the heat in the oven and the beets are boiling again. So much for an early post.....

Monday, September 29, 2008

Further On Up the Road

I'm on my extended days off and my last shifts at work are coming up at the end of the week. My body will thank me when it's all over. I need a break! Today I had sort of a mental health day and didn't do much of anything. I took care of a couple of time sensitive chores but didn't do any cleaning or much cooking. I have a lovely chicken roasting and will finish up the other preparations for a chicken dinner in a bit.

We had the remnants of Hurricane Kyle overnight but it's sunny now. The wind changed direction in the last hour or so, the sun came out, and the temperature got much cooler. It's 13 degrees now and was 20 this morning, in the rain.

My body needs a break but at the same time, the regular walking and exercise I get from my job will have to be maintained if I want to keep my girlish figure, my excellent level of fitness, and good mental health. I'm glad it's autumn which in itself is an incentive to go walking every day. I was going to go this morning but it started to rain so I didn't. I will make it a daily habit once work is over next week. I have to do 15,000 steps or 24 km a day for maintenance and that will be hard so I'm not sure how to get this level up without joining a gym or dancing every day on top of the walking. Staying fit is time consuming and hard work.

Who likes the blues? One of the best who has influenced the blues players of all time since him is Bobby"Blue" Bland. Here he is from 1957 with the definitive rendition of Further On Up the Road and from 1960 with Two Steps From the Blues. Those titles sound appropriate for today's post don't you think?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

How Busy is a Beaver?

I've got a very good excuse for not posting during my days off. It is usually when I do have some time to post but not this week. I was extremely busy during my three days off. It's pickling season and I made three batches of pickles with more planned for next week. I made mustard-curry pickles, mustard- ginger, and Lady Ashburn, another mustard type. Next week I'm pickling beets and if I can find some green tomatoes, will make Chow. I also need to have a pie making day. Someone loaned me an apple picker last night which allowed me to get fabulous apples from higher on the trees. It's hard to find time for it all.

I had a lovely dinner party last night and friends for dinner on Tuesday as well. Truly, my hands are wrinkled from all the dishes I've been doing. Three batches of pickles involves enough dishes as it is but two dinner parties added to that.... Whew!

My hours have been cut back further so that I work only a half day today. I will miss the money but like the extra time off. The weather was definitely cooler but today is supposed to be a lovely 20 degrees. I plan to start walking again as the woods are going to be lovelier each week.

Louis Armstrong has some good songs for today. With Velma Middleton, here's You're the Apple of My Eye and with his band here's Walking My Baby Back Home.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Early Autumn Chores

Late getting here on my first day off but it's been a jam packed day or should I say pickle packed day. I slept very late and had three major communications with three different people before my coffee was finished, let alone taken effect. Someone dropped off a ton of cucumbers for me to make pickles with. That was a fabulous gift then someone else offered me all the beets I want. My son and I will be happy this winter. I made mustard pickles today and am about to cut some up which must be soaked overnight. The ones to be soaked are called Lady Ashburns and to me mean a New Brunswick pickle. Today the ones I made contained curry and it's a PEI pickle.

I had lawn mower issues too as my lawnmower guy repaired the seized motor, then the second solenoid switch went. He is replacing that with a heavier one and says that will do the trick. It's too late to change my mind now after sinking all so much money into the machine. My lawnmower fellow had given me a hundred bucks for mine on Friday because it had all new parts but sold it back to me today for that amount plus another seventy five dollars. My son thinks I am crazy and should buy a new one. I say it will come soon enough that I'll have to do that but with the heating season upon us and the oil prices as they are.... My house is not shrinking.....

It's all about the harvest these days off and next ones too with the donated beets and my huge glut of apples. Anyone want wonderful apples? I do a ritual pie making spree at this time of year too. Patty Griffin does a song for that and The Garden Song by David Mallett which I'd known for a long time but didn't know the author of till Kat posted it a while back. For those who'd like this sort of thing (like me) here's September Song by Django Reinhart.

I have friends coming for dinner Wednesday and another friend or two tomorrow so am busy as an autumn beaver. I love this time of year.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Gorgeous Days

Though I'd reminded him, my son let my ride-on lawnmower run out of oil, seizing the engine. The machine is toast. He has his father's gardener mowing for me right now. The grass is so long! I was enjoying the deck on my last day off but had to come in. I was making pom poms from yarn for a Halloween outfit for my grandkids. It's a clown suit from the past and in wonderful shape except for the pom poms and the elastic for tying the hat. Both are easily attended to. Sitting in the sun making them was wonderful and what I needed. I've had a full day of housework today after being out and about yesterday and cooking and entertaining on Monday. I'm liking this three days off per week schedule.

I've got the most beautiful bouquets. I've got mixtures of sprigs of golden rusty fall mums, Jeruselem artichokes, wild aster, cultivated aster, tons of sweet peas, bachelors buttons, a yellow perennial I bought that I don't know the name of, and the same with a deep hot pink flower. The beautiful Stargazer and Razzle Dazzle lilies I have as ikebanas displays with wire frogs. They are stunning. I love flower displays throughout the season. With my great selection of vases and flowers it's easy to have them.

Today's music is from Amos Lee. Sweet Pea for the lovely flowers and Sympathize, a song with a similar name to yesterday's song (though in a different language) are worth your time. So are the songs he has on his website. Click the link to listen to some of his latest album. I love his sound.